The 10 most common mistakes we can make

The 10 most common mistakes we can make

1. Not properly preparing a list of the materials that are necessary to carry out the work.

2. Not protecting the floor and furniture before painting.

3. Not properly preparing the surfaces to be painted.

4. Not starting with the cutting process before painting large surfaces with the roller. Cuts must be made with a paint brush or flat brush before rolling in order to prevent the roller from staining the frames and baseboards.

5. Overloading or underloading the roller or brush. Buckets must be used to be able to load the roller or brush properly.

6. Leaving a half-painted surface and finishing the following day. In doing so, junction marks are likely to occur.

7. Not following the instructions of the technical data sheets of the products. For example, the product must always be diluted with the corresponding percentage for its correct use.

8. Not letting the paint coat dry.

9. Running out of paint. The product’s technical data sheet must be checked to find out the spread-ing rate of the paint.

10. Not properly choosing the color. While choosing the color, it is important to:

– Choose the color in natural light since colors transform under artificial lighting.

– Take into consideration the size of the room. Bold colors tend to appear stronger in small rooms than in large spaces.

– Factor in the amount of natural light entering the room.

– Properly consider the color combinations with the furniture.

– Test the paint color beforehand since catalog samples are approximate.